Sunday, April 23, 2017

Summer of the Beaches Reflections

Haskell's Beach
Reflections on Summer of the Beaches:

Beaches visited: 9 "Summer" Months: July 2016-September 2016

What did we learn?
Beach days are harder to plan and longer than park days. We still love having a goal for the the summer. (Look for the 2017 goal in mid to late May.) This goal was eclipsed by the 40 year bucket list and training for the Carpinteria triathlon.

We got much better at the planning and success of beach trips as we got better at packing and timing them. Kids are kids and there were definitely meltdowns!

We didn't make it to all of the beaches on our list and unless we camp, I probably won't go to Gaviota, Refugio or El Capitan any time soon. The quest didn't expand our list of places too much. We will continue to favor Goleta Beach because it is so close although we really liked Haskell's and Carpinteria Beach. We still often meet friends at Arroyo Burro and Leadbetter.

I am keeping my list of ideas for new quests going:
* Day trips from Santa Barbara
* Santa Barbara area museums
* Hikes and Nature walks
* Thematic Booklists

Any other suggestions?

Related posts: Summer of the Beaches, Summer of the Parks

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