Friday, December 6, 2019

Fall Snapshot 2019

It's time for my seasonal check in!

Life Hack: Canva is a great way to design your own morning and evening routine lists for kids!

New Product I Love: Turkey Stuffing Kettle Chips I wasn't convinced when I saw these that stuffing spice goes with kettle chips, but they are delicious. I even topped my green bean casserole with them (they are gluten free!).

Last Book I Finished: Atomic Habits by James Clear 
James Clear had a life altering injury in high school. Rather than let it limit his prospects, he battled hard to return to baseball and the classroom. He credits the habits he learned for working back to health. Now he makes the study of habit his life work with a weekly email list to thousands! He refers back to pivotal books like the Power of Habit and gives ideas for how to implement the key thoughts in them. The atomic refers to how a small change daily can add up to a huge difference in the long run (not the explosive atomic idea that I was thinking). This is a practical book for how to make small improvements for life.

Life Project: Blog Series on National Parks and fine tuning my morning routine. 

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